Toxicological Pathology of Juvenilecatfish Exposed to Petrol
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International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT) | ![]() |
© 2015 by IJBTT Journal | ||
Volume - 5 Issue - 1 |
Year of Publication : 2015 | ||
Authors : Amadi N. C., Umoh, I. A., Essien U. N., Awom E. I. |
Amadi N. C., Umoh, I. A., Essien U. N., Awom E. I. "Toxicological Pathology of Juvenilecatfish Exposed to Petrol", International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT), V5(1):38-42 Jan - Mar 2015, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Heterobranchuslongifilis juveniles weighing 22.2 were acclimatized for seven (7) days with daily renewal of water to maintain good physico-chemical quality of water suitable for the fish. Acute toxicity test of refined petroleum product (petrol) was carried out in the laboratory to determine its effect on juveniles of Heterobranchus longifilis. Different concentration were obtained through exploratory test of 1ml of toxicant in 9ml of water,1ml of toxicant in 99ml of water, 1ml of toxicant in 999ml of water, The research was carried out using five (5) concentrations, (4.0ppm, 8.0ppm, 10.0ppm and 12.0ppm) of petrol, and a control, replicated three (3) times. Results showed behavioral changes, organ abnormalities and that petrol was toxic to the test fish even at the lowest tested concentration. Percentage mortality of 90%, 70%, 50%, 30% and 10% was recorded in 12.0ppm, 10.0ppm, 8.0ppm, 6.0ppm and 4.0ppm concentration of petrol at 96 hours exposure respectively. The result also showed that the mortality of Heterobranchus longifilis juveniles exposed to petrol in water increased with increase in concentration and time of exposure. The liver showed vacuolar degeneration in the hepatocytes, focal areas of necrosis and fibrosis, aggregations of inflammatory cells between the hepatocytes, dilation and congestion in blood sinusoids and thrombosis formation in the central veins, while the muscle tissues were moderately affected after the exposure. The entire test organisms in the control showed no histological abnormalities, while their staining patterns and cellular arrangement remained unaffected. The tissue was viewed under digital light microscope at the magnification of (X100 and 400).
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Toxicology, Pathology, Heterobranchus longifilis, Petrol.